Month: April 2024


Zoo, by Anthony Browne is a story we studied for English  What is the role of zoo  and what is the relationship  between man and animals? Below is my recreation of an orangutan enclosure and diary entry from the POV of an orangutan entering it for the first time.

I stepped in  amazed by a beautiful place. I am filled with joy and I can start my life.

I stepped on the fresh warm grass. New scents cover my nostrils the air is muggy and hot. Broken twigs lay on the grass making crunching sound as my hairy feet stumble on them.


Stations of the Cross

Last week, on Holy Thursday we re-enacted Stations of the Cross to show what Jesus went through on his way to his death. We dressed up as the people of Jerusalem following Jesus through the fourteen Stations. I felt very sad when Jesus was on the cross knowing he died for us.

At the end of the Stations we took a class photo to remember the day we displayed the important story about Jesus being crucified on the cross for our sins.